This year is our 31st year in the driver training business. Our clients include young drivers from 15 1/2 years of age to seniors in their 80's. Many of these drivers are getting behind the wheel for the first time in their lives. Other than English our instructors can also speak 3 other languages. Our instructors have a combined experience of over 60 years.
Our Business Philosophy
Our business philosophy is to keep it simple. Teach the new drivers at their own pace. Step by step instructions make it easier for new drivers. Do not try to do it all in one or two lessons. Every student is different. You want them to look forward to their next lesson.
Our Company
Our business was started by Brinder-Paul Phangureh as a Summer Employment to supplement his education needs in Computer Sciences at Red River College. By the end of the second Summer, he knew this is what he wants to do with his life. Now he runs one of the most respected driving schools in Winnipeg, Manitoba. If Paul can not satisfy your driving needs then chances are nobody can.
Meet Our Instructors:
Paul's been with Pan Am Driving School since 1979.
Paul Phangureh